Reasons for my distaste for beards and/or extreme facial hair: Really, when it’s too thick it’s like… what’s under there… or better yet what’s IN there?! Is it clean? …Are you clean?! Are you compensating for something…? Did you go on an outdoor adventure for a month and grew it out to feel like Bear Grills? Hot and awesome. I’ll let it slide until things are able to get stuck in it. Then I would like to see your face again… or do I?! How would I know if you’re a forever beard face?! Hey beard face, STOP STROKING/itching it. It doesn't make you look intelligent or distinguished.. or make ME want to stroke it… it just makes me think you have itchy face or beard lice. AND no beard combs allowed… EVER. Just means its too long and… I mean a beard comb… nope. Super groomed full beard with gelled combed hair on top? Word that comes to mind? I’ll refrain... but me thinks you spend too much time in the mirror and LOVE your beard TOO much. I get a pretentious vibe...
For some, it appears things just “fall into place”... For me, it tends to feel like I’m just constantly falling into place. It most definitely isn’t always pretty, but with the right lighting it can be pretty funny.